
Before your begin install the roche cli

1. make an empty folder and generate a function template

mkdir tide-faas
cd tide-faas
roche init

This creates a single function file that you can add functionality into.

fn main() {
pub fn handler() -> tide::Server<()> {    
    let mut api = tide::new();"/").get(|_| async { Ok("Hello, World!") });

2. Login to docker and build the function image.

docker login 
roche build

optionally if you aren't logged or using an imcompatible docker version you can set a DOCKER_USERNAME environment variable

export DOCKER_USERNAME=yourusername
roche build

3. If you would like to run the image use the standard docker commands

docker run -p 8080:8080 registry/namespace/devimagename:version

4. For a release build run the following

$ roche release -t registry/namespace/imagename:version

These take slightly longer as they are compiled with the --release flag

5. Deploy to your favourite container based FaaS platform

First push your container to a container registry

$ docker push registry/namespace/imagename:version

Then deploy into the container service of your choice


kn service create roche-function --image registry/namespace/imagename:version

ibmcloud code engine

ibmcloud ce app create -n roche-function --image registry/namespace/imagename:version

google cloud run

gcloud run deploy roche-function --image registry/namespace/imagename:version

aws fargate

fargate service deploy roche-function --image registry/namespace/imagename:version